TLC Co-op Information
TLC offers a cooperative learning opportunity for children Pre-K through 12th grade meeting once a week for our members. The mission of TLC is to support and assist parents in the training of their children by providing classes to supplement and enrich their education in a class environment.
Because this is a cooperative effort, there will be a pooling of our resources and skills. Everyone must contribute so that this co-op can be a success. One parent must be present every hour that their child(ren) are attending classes. This is a non-profit ministry cooperative by families to families.
Prices of classes are determined by the costs of supplies alone. Teachers will be giving of their time. Please Note: Although we offer pre-school classes, all TLC families must have at least one school age child participating in the classes who must be at least five years old by September 30th.
Classes will meet on Thursdays at Grace Church on the Mount in Netcong, NJ.
TLC Fee and Refund Policy:
- The $40 Support Group Fee needs to be paid by March 31st if your family plans to register for classes. If you are currently a Support Group Member only and you do not pay the $40 fee by March 31st, we will assume you no longer wish to be a support group member and will deactivate your account. You can reactivate any time by paying the $40 fee.
- The $120 co-op fee must be paid by May 31st . This fee is to cover our rent and insurance and must be paid in full by the deadline. If not paid by the end of May, your class registrations will be cancelled.
- Class fees are due July 31st . All fees associated with your classes must be paid by the deadline or your child will not be able to attend classes.
- If for any reason you are unable to pay fees in full by the deadlines stated, you must contact Heather Kohler before fees are due to set up a payment plan.
Refunds of fees for the year will be granted based on the following schedule for the co-op:
If a book is ordered through your student's teacher, you will not be reimbursed for this book. The book and invoice will be given to you and you can choose to keep it or return it to the company it came from. (You may incur a shelving fee)
- Our support group fee of $40 is non-refundable
- Our registration fee of $120 is only refundable before July 31st . After this deadline, we will be unable to provide refunds.
- Cancellations/Refund requests made before the July 31st payment deadline will receive 100% refund of fees paid.
- Cancellations/Refund requests made after the payment deadline will be subject to no refund of fees paid as teachers have often begun purchasing supplies by this time.
Bond Requirement
Each family attending the co-op shall hand in a $100 responsibilities bond in the form of a check to be held in reserve for each semester. The check shall be made out to TLC with no date and "Bond" written in the memo. This check will be handed in at the Mandatory Meeting. Below are samples of when a bond must be cashed.
- Frequent tardiness - An admin will speak with you after 2 instances of tardiness. After discussing the nature of the tardiness, it will be determined if a warning is in order. If warning is given, the check will be cashed at the next occurrence of tardiness. You will be notified, and a new check will be required.
- Frequent Absences - 2 unexcused absences will be allowed per semester. Examples of unexcused absences are things such as vacation, non-emergency doctor's appointment, work, going on field trips, etc.
- Failure to fulfill duty - These duties include things such as clean-up, snack table, lunch monitor, gym monitor, etc. If you need to miss any of these due to vacation and such, you are responsible to find a replacement. If you have a planned absence, it is your responsibility to find a replacement.
- Failure to fill out absentee form - Sending an email/text to an admin or a teacher of your absence is not a replacement for filling out the absentee form.
- Failure to pay in full for Private Lessons/Outside teachers. We allow a monthly payment plan to help your finances, but you are committed to paying for the full year as the outside teachers have blocked out this time for your student.
For the checks not cashed, TLC will shred them at the end of the year. If a check must be cashed during the year, another check must be given in its place.